- Standard Penetration Test (30 kg)
- Dynamic load tests (plate diameter cm 30, 45, 60 and 75)
- Seismic survey: MASW, Re.Mi., Vs30, MAAM, ESAC, rifraction and superficial riflection). In-hole seismic surveys: downhole, cross-hole and seismic tomography.
- Geoelectricity: electric tomography, vertical electric surveys.
- Crack monitors
- Inclinometers (150 m from the ground level)
- Phreatimeter (150 m from the ground level)
- Instrumentation for groundwater sampling
- Multiparametric probes for groundwater analysis
Geotechnical, hydrogeological and seismic surveys and tests
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PEC: andrea.valente@pec.epap.it
Via Denina 3 (Giardini Reali)
10124 TORINO
Tel./fax 39 011 6960115
Via Manzoni 61 (Piazza Colombo)
18038-SANREMO (IM)
Tel./fax 39 0184 570051
Strada San Michele 14
12042-BRA (CN)
Tel./fax 39 0172 44016